
Climate in Odisha


The climate of Odisha falls under the category of tropical monsoon type of climate and in this, Odisha is not different from the rest of the country.

Standing on the coastal belt, the weather in Odisha is greatly influenced by the sea. The climate of the region is tropical resulting in very high temperature in the months of April and May. On the contrary, the Eastern Ghats of the state experience an extremely cold climate.

The climate in Odisha - There are three major seasons - Summer (March-June), Rainy Season (July-September) and the Winter (October-February). Odisha lies just South of the Tropic of Cancer, has a tropical climate. It is warm almost throughout the year in the Western districts of Sundergarh, Sambalpur, Baragarh, Bolangir, Kalahandi and Mayurbhanj with maximum temperature hovering between 40-46°C and in winter, it is intolerably cool. In the coastal districts, the climate is equable but highly humid and sticky. The summer maximum temperature ranges between 35-40° C and the low temperatures are usually between 12-14°C. Winter is not very severe except in some areas in Koraput and Phulbani where the minimum temperature may drop to 3-4° C.

The average rainfall is 150 cm, experienced as the result of southwest monsoon during July-September. The month of July is the wettest and the major rivers may get flooded. The state also experiences small rainfall from the retreating monsoon in the months of October-November. January and February are dry.

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